Grains by Udaan Himalayan Vegetarian Restaurant Entrance

Pure vegetarian restaurant in Darjeeling

Each year thousands of foreign & domestic tourists visit Darjeeling, enticed by its beauty and they look for pure vegetarian restaurants while they are in Darjeeling. According to , About 22% of the world’s and 31% – 42% of the Indian population are vegetarian. For them, pure vegetarian restaurants provide a sanctuary where they can indulge without worry, knowing that every dish aligns with their dietary preferences.
But every vegetarian faces an issue finding good vegetarian restaurants when traveling to Hill stations, especially in Darjeeling and North East India. Amidst the plethora of food options, vegetarian travelers often seek establishments that cater exclusively to their preferences.
Pure vegetarian restaurants assure no cross-contamination and the joy of exploring pure vegetarian dishes where vegetarians can savor every bite with peace of mind.
Let’s check out some pure vegetarian restaurants and hotels in Darjeeling, where delectable flavors and mindful dining experiences are waiting for every vegetarian.

Grains by Udaan Himalayan Suites & Spa, Darjeeling

This is an in-house pure vegetarian restaurant of the Udaan Himalayan Suites & Spa, Darjeeling, a premium 4-star property.  Just like the property, the restaurant is also one of the most lavish vegetarian restaurants in Darjeeling features live music and serves huge array of  vegetarian delicacies and also caters to both Jain & Vegan people on request. Having both Buffet & a-la-carte vegetarian dining options means you can satiate your palate here with a wide array of delicious Indian, Chinese, and Continental vegetarian cuisines.

Grains by Udaan Himalayan Vegetarian Restaurant
Picture: ‘Grains’ by Udaan Himalayan Suites & Spa, Darjeeling

Grains by Udaan Dekeling Resort, Darjeeling

This restaurant, within the charming Udaan Dekeling Resort, promises a delightful vegetarian culinary experience alongside a vintage Darjeeling vibe. Grains by Udaan Dekeling brings the flavors of delicious Indian, Chinese, and Continental vegetarian meals that you can savor while enjoying the beautiful views of the Kanchenjunga & Darjeeling cityscapes. It also has both Buffet & la-carte vegetarian dining options and caters to Jain & Vegan guests on request.
PS -The dining area on the upper deck provides panoramic views and is perfect if you’re looking for a place to take your special someone on a date.  
Picture: ‘Grains’ by Udaan Dekeling Resort, Darjeeling

Grains by Udaan Nirvana Resort, Darjeeling:

A lot many people visit the infamous Mall Road in Darjeeling, and why should they not? It’s in the heart of the city, it’s bustling, it’s happening and it’s a must-visit when in Darjeeling. But finding a good Pure Vegetarian Restaurant in Mall Road, Darjeeling is a challenge and the solution to this is Grains by Udaan Nirvana Resort, a restaurant that serves pure vegetarian cuisine in Mall Road, Darjeeling, even for Jains & Vegans.
Picture: ‘Grains’ by Udaan Nirvana Resort, Darjeeling

Udaan brings “Grains” a delightful array of pure vegetarian restaurants in Darjeeling & Sikkim, each offering unique flavors and dining experiences for travelers, looking for a pure vegetarian restaurant in Darjeeling or who are vegan or having Jain food preference.
So, the next time you find yourself here, be sure to embark on a gastronomic journey through Udaan’s pure vegetarian offerings.

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